Tuesday, July 22, 2008



After much discussion, we decided to sail West, rather than drop South like most all other boats. Well, we dropped several places today, after recording THE lowest mileage in the fleet. Our theory, "Go for the Victory", failed. Now, we are trying to get to Kaneohe in time to enjoy a few of the parties mid week. We have been sitting in little, to no wind for over 24 hours. We are having a great time...but, there is no need to create space for any new trophies. Dinner tonight was corn beef and cabbage.

Our current position: N30*47 W140*51
Miles to R2 bouy 1069 nm (the half way point is 1038- so some time tonight, hopefully, we'll be on the down hill run)
Bearing is: 229 degrees
Swells: 1 meter
Wind speed was 6-7, just dropped to 2-3 (we'll see you as soon as we can)

It was very beautiful out here all day!!

We are sailing safe, but we wish it was a much FASTER safe, T

he "Urban Renewal" Crew, John, Les, Rocky, Don, Randy and Ellis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you end up catching fish on Sunday? Hope so! Keep on pressing on. Wish I could be at the finish line...alas New York is a bit far.

Kevin V.