Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Race Is On

Today at 1:45 p.m. the crew of Urban Renewal crossed the starting line on their race back to Honolulu. With one minute to go Urban headed to the line along with several boats in close proximity. As the time crept to the final start time one boat went over early with Urban following close behind. Les’ master sailing skills kept Urban just behind the line until the final signal and she crossed the line with perfect timing. All the boats sprinted to the Golden Gate Bridge and in no time were gone. The crew checked in via cel phone about an hour later and said they were sailing along in about 12 knots of wind and doing fine.

I was able to take a video of this exciting start and hope to put a link up on the blog site as soon as I can. I have limited resources here in San Francisco, especially now that Ellis isn’t here to provide his expert technical skills, so I may need to wait until I get back to Honolulu next week. I will sneak in a blog to let you know when to video is up. I am also working sharing some of the pictures from the delivery and Bon Voyage party.

Stay tuned, Cathy

1 comment:

Bro bruce said...

Bla bla bla, heat it up and get out there. Bro bruce in Fiji