Wednesday, July 2, 2008


If there is fog, we must be close to S.F. Not true, we're still out 151 miles, and there is plenty of fog. However, not on these mugs. It is crystal clear, we are in range to hit the shore tomorrow, with just a little consistency. (Funny, we haven't seen much of that during these last 18 days.) We'll see???

Current position: N 38*20 W 126.01
Winds: ESE 8-12 knots
Swells: 1-2 m
Course: 82 degrees

We are now busy looking at charts of the coastal waters and Bay, plus, tide charts. Our first target is "Light Box", a location out 10 miles from the Golden Gate where ships stage, for their entry into the Bay. We will keep out of the shipping channels, but not by much.

More later, (but not too much more)
John, Don, Ellis and Joe

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